Debug Output when running app…. is this normal? It does slow down start up. Seems to validate and work fine.
MacOS v 14.1.1 (23B81)
RevenueCat debug output on my app TalkTextChat
******* app init to call purchases.configure(withAPIKey...
sPurchases] - DEBUG: Configuring SDK using RevenueCat's UserDefaults suite.
/Purchases] - DEBUG: Debug logging enabled
nPurchases] - DEBUG: SDK Version - 4.17.7
sPurchases] - DEBUG: Bundle ID -
aPurchases] - DEBUG: No initial App User ID
didSet for phrases
rPurchases] - DEBUG: Vending CustomerInfo from cache.
phrases: <"Hi, my name is John, I cannot hear or speak, and need to use this app to talk with you.", "Here here is a new test phrase!", "Another new phrase."]
didSet for numPhraseEntries
name John
phrases:r"Hi, my name is John, I cannot hear or speak, and need to use this app to talk with you.", "Here here is a new test phrase!", "Another new phrase."]
#FactoryInstall Unable to query results, error: 5
Unable to list voice folder
enter get sub details
****** return ExpDate:
rPurchases] - DEBUG: Vending CustomerInfo from cache.
Unable to list voice folder
***** SubStatus: Optional(2023-11-22 16:26:01 +0000)
****** userViewModel.SubExpDate: 2023-11-22 16:26:01 +0000
Unable to list voice folder
lPurchases] - DEBUG: applicationDidBecomeActive
gPurchases] - DEBUG: GetCustomerInfoOperation: Started
tPurchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490
%Purchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground.
ePurchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'GetCustomerInfoOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetCustomerInfo...'. Skipping request.
kPurchases] - DEBUG: API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490
$Purchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) updatedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464109321 2000000312663437 1
TPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground.
fPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo cache is stale, updating from network in foreground.
ePurchases] - DEBUG: Offerings cache is stale, updating caches
aPurchases] - DEBUG: Force refreshing the receipt to get latest transactions from Apple.
FPurchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) updatedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464133741 2000000312663437 1
uPurchases] - DEBUG: Throttled request to refresh receipt.
pPurchases] - DEBUG: Loaded receipt from url file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4BC1C1E3-C158-4C4C-B57C-89A27349ADCD/StoreKit/sandboxReceipt
sPurchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: p"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"]
Purchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) updatedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464149206 2000000312663437 1
0Purchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: t"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"]
Purchases] - DEBUG: Throttled request to refresh receipt.
3Purchases] - DEBUG: Loaded receipt from url file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4BC1C1E3-C158-4C4C-B57C-89A27349ADCD/StoreKit/sandboxReceipt
vPurchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: 9"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"], appending to completion
sPurchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) updatedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464170576 2000000312663437 1
Unable to list voice folder
iPurchases] - DEBUG: Throttled request to refresh receipt.
ePurchases] - DEBUG: Loaded receipt from url file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4BC1C1E3-C158-4C4C-B57C-89A27349ADCD/StoreKit/sandboxReceipt
fPurchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: C"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"], appending to completion
sPurchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'GetCustomerInfoOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetCustomerInfo...'. Skipping request.
:Purchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'GetCustomerInfoOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetCustomerInfo...'. Skipping request.
EPurchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'GetOfferingsOperation' found with the same cache key 'GetOfferingsOpe...'. Skipping request.
ePurchases] - DEBUG: SKReceiptRefreshRequest started
<SKReceiptRefreshRequest: 0x28132dc00>: Finished refreshing receipt with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=603 "Request throttled" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Request throttled, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unified receipt is valid and current}
Purchases] - DEBUG: SKReceiptRefreshRequest finished
iPurchases] - DEBUG: Loaded receipt from url file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4BC1C1E3-C158-4C4C-B57C-89A27349ADCD/StoreKit/sandboxReceipt
Purchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: s"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"], appending to completion
Unable to list voice folder
BPurchases] - DEBUG: Store products request finished
dPurchases] - DEBUG: Store products request request received response
uPurchases] - DEBUG: Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: $RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490
iPurchases] - DEBUG: Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: $RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490
5Purchases] - DEBUG: Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: $RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490
8Purchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'PostReceiptDataOperation' found with the same cache key 'PostReceiptData...'. Skipping request.
4Purchases] - DEBUG: Found 0 unsynced attributes for App User ID: $RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490
pPurchases] - DEBUG: Network operation 'PostReceiptDataOperation' found with the same cache key 'PostReceiptData...'. Skipping request.
8Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490 (200)
ePurchases] - DEBUG: Sending latest CustomerInfo to delegate.
Purchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
fPurchases] - DEBUG: Detected active subscriptions changed. Clearing trial or intro eligibility cache.
PPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
gPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
aPurchases] - DEBUG: CustomerInfo updated from network.
uPurchases] - DEBUG: GetCustomerInfoOperation: Finished
Purchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490, 0 requests left in the queue
Purchases] - DEBUG: GetOfferingsOperation: Started
Purchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490/offerings
Purchases] - DEBUG: API request started: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490/offerings
sPurchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: GET /v1/subscribers/$RCAnonymousID:10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490/offerings (200)
bPurchases] - DEBUG: Skipping products request for these products because they were already cached: -"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"]
/Purchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: p"TTC_99_1M_3D_0"]
kPurchases] - DEBUG: Skipping products request for these products because they were already cached: n"TTC_999_1Y_3D_0"]
Purchases] - DEBUG: No existing products cached, starting store products request for: t"TTC_99_1M_3D_0"]
Purchases] - DEBUG: Found an existing request for products: "TTC_99_1M_3D_0"], appending to completion
uPurchases] - DEBUG: GetOfferingsOperation: Finished
rPurchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: GET subscribers/$RCAnonymousID%3A10d51f5327584265aeb0a8e814f2f490/offerings, 0 requests left in the queue
>Purchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Started
nPurchases] - INFO: Parsing receipt
oPurchases] - INFO: Receipt parsed successfully
ePurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Posting receipt (note: the contents might not be up-to-date, but it will be refreshed with Apple's servers):
"creation_date" : "2023-11-22T18:22:29Z",
"original_application_version" : "1.0",
"bundle_id" : "",
"in_app_purchases" :
"purchase_date" : "2023-04-13T14:43:57Z",
"expires_date" : "2023-04-13T14:46:57Z",
"is_in_intro_offer_period" : false,
"web_order_line_item_id" : 2000000025188571,
"quantity" : 1,
"is_in_trial_period" : false,
"product_id" : "TTC_99_1M_3D_0",
"original_purchase_date" : "2023-04-13T14:44:05Z",
"original_transaction_id" : "2000000312663437",
"transaction_id" : "2000000312663437",
"product_type" : 3
"is_in_trial_period" : false,
"transaction_id" : "2000000312666378",
"web_order_line_item_id" : 2000000025188572,
"is_in_intro_offer_period" : false,
"quantity" : 1,
rPurchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request POST receipts
Purchases] - DEBUG: API request started: POST /v1/receipts
_Purchases] - DEBUG: Store products request request received response
>Purchases] - DEBUG: Store products request finished
Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: POST /v1/receipts (200)
rPurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Finished
pPurchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: POST receipts, 0 requests left in the queue
PPurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Started
PPurchases] - INFO: Parsing receipt
ePurchases] - INFO: Finishing transaction '2000000464133741' for product 'TTC_999_1Y_3D_0'
rPurchases] - INFO: Receipt parsed successfully
uPurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Posting receipt (note: the contents might not be up-to-date, but it will be refreshed with Apple's servers):
"creation_date" : "2023-11-22T18:22:29Z",
"original_application_version" : "1.0",
"in_app_purchases" : c
"quantity" : 1,
"web_order_line_item_id" : 2000000025188571,
"original_purchase_date" : "2023-04-13T14:44:05Z",
"is_in_trial_period" : false,
"product_id" : "TTC_99_1M_3D_0",
"original_transaction_id" : "2000000312663437",
"transaction_id" : "2000000312663437",
"product_type" : 3,
"purchase_date" : "2023-04-13T14:43:57Z",
"expires_date" : "2023-04-13T14:46:57Z",
"is_in_intro_offer_period" : false
"expires_date" : "2023-04-13T14:52:20Z",
"web_order_line_item_id" : 2000000025188572,
"original_transaction_id" : "2000000312663437",
"quantity" : 1,
"is_in_trial_period" : false,
"product_id" : "TTC_99_1M_3D_0",
gPurchases] - DEBUG: There are no requests currently running, starting request POST receipts
_Purchases] - DEBUG: API request started: POST /v1/receipts
2Purchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) removedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464133741 2000000312663437 1
Purchases] - DEBUG: API request completed: POST /v1/receipts (200)
tPurchases] - DEBUG: PostReceiptDataOperation: Finished
gPurchases] - DEBUG: Serial request done: POST receipts, 0 requests left in the queue
sPurchases] - INFO: Finishing transaction '2000000464149206' for product 'TTC_999_1Y_3D_0'
9Purchases] - INFO: Finishing transaction '2000000464170576' for product 'TTC_999_1Y_3D_0'
tPurchases] - INFO: Finishing transaction '2000000464109321' for product 'TTC_999_1Y_3D_0'
sPurchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) removedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464149206 2000000312663437 1
Purchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) removedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464170576 2000000312663437 1
4Purchases] - DEBUG: StoreKit1Wrapper (0x00000002837bc120) removedTransaction: TTC_999_1Y_3D_0 2000000464109321 2000000312663437 1
Settings button hit
localPhrases: "Hi, my name is John, I cannot hear or speak, and need to use this app to talk with you.", "Here here is a new test phrase!", "Another new phrase."]
tcp_input _C1.1.1:3] flags=4 seq=3,449,919,596, ack=0, win=0 state=8 rcv_nxt=3,449,919,596, snd_una=3,754,204,025
tcp_input dC1.1.1:3] flags=4 seq=3,449,919,596, ack=0, win=0 state=0 rcv_nxt=3,449,919,596, snd_una=3,754,204,025