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I have setup a RevenueCat and before making any purchase attempt, the price shown is in USD. Once I press buy, I am prompted to login to my apple account and after the login, the correct currency is selected. In the app the currency updates after I close and reopen the app.


Is there a possibility to change the default currency to EUR from USD? My app is not even available in any country that uses USD as legal tender so it is confusing to my users.


I have so far only tested in Testflight on two devices. 

Hi @yonom, I’m not sure there’s a way for you to change the default currency presented before login. This is because that currency is associated with the store account and the default is otherwise USD. If you’re not logged in when the app launches, we’ll fetch the products using the default currency and we’ll cache the results, so even after logging in to the sandbox account with the correct locale, you’ll still see the prices in USD. However this isn’t something that you’d expect to be an issue in production, because users don’t often switch between accounts with different store locales. 

@sundeep  Hello , I have the same problem , me an my team we are in France,  but the price are display in USD with IOS , Google no problems , any ideas ?

Unfortunately, I have the same problem and I have no idea what to do. I am in Spain, and on a real iphone without sandbox user logged in I see currency USD and the US price. The StoreProduct title and description are correctly localized to Spanish. I am deleting/re-installing the app on each run to avoid caching issues, but it does not help. On an Android phone I correctly see the Spanish EUR price. Any ideas what goes wrong on iOS (I use purchases_flutter 8.4.4)?

Hi ​@gabalz, can you confirm that your device’s language/localization settings are set to Spain as well as your App Store region?

Hi ​@jeffrey_bunn. Yes, both were set to Spain. But I was in a test environment running code directly from Xcode, and I can confirm that it happens for another framework as well, so it is not specific to RevenueCat. For a sandbox account which is set to Spain the query returns the Spanish price correctly, but for my real account it reports US. Probably a test environment issue, at least I have no better idea. 

@gabalz I think a test environment issue i the most likely explanation. You may also want to ensure you have at least one Xcode localized file, as this could be defaulting USD based on Xcode’s default localizations.
