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We are seeing Attribute - ATT Authorised but IDFA 0000…

At the same time our MMP (singular) and Meta seems to miss many if not most of our ATT installs (seems like 70% discrepancy from internal tracking of ATT authorised)

Any idea? Dying to know...

Hey @krsj ,


Are you asking for permission before calling Purchases.collectDeviceIdentifiers()? Once a device identifier is set for a subscriber, it can't be changed. This is done in order to keep these identifiers associated with the original installation. This allows RevenueCat to send events generated by a particular device to downstream integrations with a consistent identifier unaffected by uninstalls and reinstalls. If you are trying to get that IDFA, I recommend calling the method after consent is given to ensure that you are saving the idfa as access is granted otherwise it will stay as it was initially set. 

@Michael Fogel so does that mean we shouldnt set the IDFA if the user does not authorize the ATT consent? 

I have an issue where the idfa is sometime a real value and some times its all 0s when the ATT is authorized.. For the customer even which has the IDFA as 0s, I dont see the facebook integration event sent at all. I can see the customer has the facebook anon id and idfv value. 

This is for my iOS app and I configure the sdk and the idfa in the App class init function


init() {
Purchases.configure(withAPIKey: Constants.REVENUE_CAT_API_KEY)

// Automatically collect the $idfa, $idfv, and $ip values

// REQUIRED: Set the Facebook anonymous Id

// disable automatic tracking
FBSDKCoreKit.Settings.shared.isAutoLogAppEventsEnabled = false

// optional: call activateApp


Hey ​@john-kim-653ce2 ,


For setting the IDFA, if you are able to, I would wait to set this until you know the users IDFA completely. Once a device identifier is set for a subscriber, it can't be changed in order to keep these identifiers associated with the original installation. This allows RevenueCat to send events generated by a particular device to downstream integrations with a consistent identifier unaffected by uninstalls and reinstalls.
