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Is the following still required in my AndroidManifest.xml?

<uses-permission android:name=""/>

the Flutter installation guide doesn’t mention it but I’m following a video which explicitly recommends it.

It’s mentioned a couple of times in relation to react native.

Hi ​@Michael Dausmann! This is not required for Flutter.

Hi ​@jeffrey_bunn thanks for responding.  I found that I needed to add it and push a version to the store (not production) with it enabled in order to start setting up products...maybe I’m dreaming and I muddled it up.  This is my first app with in-app billing, if that clarifies things.

I found that I needed to add it and push a version to the store (not production) with it enabled in order to start setting up products…

I was also fresh to Google Play and I experienced the same.

Before uploading a bundle with:

<uses-permission android:name=""/>

in AndroidManifest.xml, I couldn’t create any subscriptions.

There was a button that said “Upload a new APK” which redirected me to the “Closed testing” tab and I didn’t know what I had to do.

It would be extra cool to include that in the docs here

@obasilakis ​@Michael Dausmann Thanks so much for sharing! I’m communicating with my team, and it looks like you might need the BILLING permission only initially to unlock creating products in Google Play (as you both reported). I’ll try to confirm and add a note to our documentation. Thanks again!
