I hope you can help, we are about to move to a subscription based model for our App and would like to be able to manage intro offers to our users but we would like these to be dynamic and not require a new build release. We ideally would like to be able to adjust these offers dependent on our partners and so a mix of free intro offers (fine on both android and iOS using Promo Codes) and discounted subscription for a certain period of time.
I know that this is completely manageable of app with iOS promo codes but when we want to offer an introductionary discount rather than a free trial we cannot do this currently with Google codes.
So my thinking was could we add a system box that allows a user to input a code on the paywall and then RevenueCat automatically update to display the Offering that relates to that code?
So for example we Set up a new partnership with ACME Corp and give their users 3 months at 50% rates. We go into the Apple/google store and create a subscription plan that has these settings. We set up an offering in RevenueCat called ACMECORP50 which includes both of these subscriptions. Then with no new release on the front end when a user logs in, clicks the Enter code button on the paywall, types in in ACMECORP50 and RevenueCat then returns the offering defined above?
Would this work or is there another solution that I am missing?