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Flutter - buying yearly and lifetime packages at the same time

  • November 15, 2022
  • 6 replies


My app has 2 plans: yearly and lifetime.

I’m trying to understand what happens when:
1. First a user buys the yearly one,
2. Then the user buys the lifetime one.

Will the yearly one be canceled automatically in each platform: Android and iOS?

6 replies

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 365 replies
  • November 16, 2022

Hi @BitSplit,

When a user changes their subscription, it will trigger a product change. On iOS, the change will be handled automatically and the user’s access and any refunds will be handled as well: our docs, Apple’s docs. On Android, you’ll need to pass the upgradeInfo object to either purchaseProduct or purchasePackage; see more here in our docs. 

  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • November 28, 2024

Hi ​@kaitlin ,

The thing is from what I understand, that there are no “lifetime” option in Apple or Google subscription plan configuration. You have to create a integrated purchase aside. So I don’t think it’s handle automatically by apple either google. Does RC do it by itself if we link those in an offering ? 



Ryan Glanz
RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 383 replies
  • December 2, 2024

@Xavier RC doesn’t automatically cancel a subscription if a user purchases a different IAP (e.g., lifetime package). For Google, you could use our refund/revoke api endpoint automatically if you detect this purchase flow. For Apple, though, developers aren’t allowed to change a user’s subscription, so you should instead notify your user to cancel their annual subscription if they purchase lifetime as well.


Anyone found a better way to do it?



@Ryan Glanz ​@kaitlin 
“RC doesn’t automatically cancel a subscription if a user purchases a different IAP (e.g., lifetime package). For Apple, though, developers aren’t allowed to change a user’s subscription, so you should instead notify your user to cancel their annual subscription if they purchase lifetime as well.”

Sorry for the long post but with the above context, but I have some questions around my iOS App.

Do you mean we should detect the above activity after user has purchased and then notify them to cancel?

Can we notify the user about this when the user is about to buy an IAP inspite of having a subscription and vice-versa? If we are using the configurable paywall v2 - presentPaywallIfNeeded - will this case be handled automatically? Apple servers are down today so unable to check this scenario.

I have gold monthly, gold yearly, and platinum lifetime, all configured under 1 entitlement and showing up on the paywall and I am relying on the configurability of the paywall to handle this type of scenario automatically.

I am assuming we may have to use the purchase started flow and then fetch all the customer info and entitlements and the active package and block? 

RevenueCat Staff
  • RevenueCat Staff
  • 365 replies
  • March 5, 2025

Hey ​@arjun-jain-a84726,

When you’re using `presentPaywallIfNeeded`, the user isn’t being notified necessarily that they already have the entitlement, but the idea is that if the required entitlement is already active for this user, then the paywall will not be presented. 

There are of course other ways for a user to purchase a different IAP but these are out of your control - for example, directly from the App Store, from their subscription settings, that sort of thing. 


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