Is there any way to define how RevenueCat reports developer proceeds for the Webhook/Segement integration to account for local taxes?
Currently you can choose the ‘report proceeds’ option within the Segment Integration settings, but the calculation doesn’t reflect ‘Developer Proceeds’ as defined by Apple. The calculation by Apple removes local taxes from the ‘customer price’ prior to applying the take home percentage. (GROSS_REVENUE - TAX) * TAKEHOME_PC.
For the Segment integration, the calculation for revenue seems to apply the `takehome_percentage` property to the `price` property (which is only actually shown in the web hook output and not shown on the Segment event) – it doesn’t account for taxes at all. CUSTOMER_PRICE * TAKEHOME_PC.
For the web hook, we’re only given the customer price converted to USD – no option for developer proceeds at all. I’m sure the local currency complicates it, but it would be good if we could get the price in local currency AFTER tax.
Ideally we’d have:
- Customer Price
- Customer Price ex. VAT
- Takehome Percentage
- Local Currency Proceeds (Customer Price ex. VAT * Takehome Percentage)
- USD Proceeds (conversion on the Local Currency Proceeds)
Otherwise, In non-US territories we get a hopelessly optimistic perspective of Developer Proceeds that creates a bit of disappointment when comparing the RevenueCat projections and the actuals by Apple.