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Subscription change shows wrong subscription renewal preference

  • 6 August 2021
  • 1 reply


I have a problem with changing renewal preference of my subscriptions, it was just working yesterday but now it shows that subscription I wanted to changed to is bought and subscription I wanted changed from is set as a new renewal preference.

So to explain it more clearly:

I have now “subscription_month” want to change to “subscription_year” when I click to buy it it show correctly native android message that you will change from “subscription_month” to “subscription_year”.

But when I go to revenuecat I see 

  • “Started a subscription of  subscription_year”
  • Changed their renewal preference to  “subscription_month”

Don’t know why this happen I checked and it gives correct sku in UpgradeInfo I am taking it from “purchaserInfo.activeSubscriptions0]”.


As I said it was working just yesterday so I have no idea what could have changed.

1 reply

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Hey @DavidCz,

We have sent this post into our ticketing system, where our Support team will handle your request.
