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How to report on crossgrading?

  • 4 April 2022
  • 2 replies


How can I report on % of users crossgrading?

For context we have a product that has a monthly, quarterly and an annual subscription. I can report on monthly churn, but what I am not sure about is how to calculate how many of those monthly users have not really churned but moved to a a quarterly or annual subscription.


Thank you!!!

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hi @Iva ,


There isn’t exactly a way to see in our charts how many users have upgraded/downgraded/cross-graded.  You could get some of this information from our Product Change web-hook events. 

I can pass this along as a feature request!

Badge +1

In the past, when the subscription retention charts showed monthly movement it was a lot easier to imply cross grading, I think that it’s a major lack of the current reports, so would be great if it could be included somehow.
