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So, I am following the recommendation to “Don’t set emails as App User IDs” in:

and instead am setting the App User ID to their UID. But this means in my RevenueCat dashboard, the users are identified by strings like “McXAayHL1qVtFLSm74phQAqZNGx1”.

Is there a way to follow your recommendation but still display users via their email in the dashboard? 

Hi ​@philip-johnson-4e5f09,

There’s no way to have the emails shown in the dashboard but you can set the email as a custom attribute. Then you’ll see the email in the customer’s history screen and you’d be able to search for a user given an email in the Customers tab.

Let me know if that works!


Hi ​@joan-cardona 

I looked at the custom attribute documentation, and found the following section:

Scrolling down, I found this:

Reserved attributes can be written directly by setting the key (don't forget the $ prefix) or with special helper methods:

(Flutter) Purchases.setEmail("")

So am I correct in assuming that I could have an initialize method like this:

Future<void> initialize(String appUserUID, String email) async {
if (!configured) {
await Purchases.setLogLevel(LogLevel.debug);
PurchasesConfiguration configuration =
..appUserID = appUserUID
..purchasesAreCompletedBy =
const PurchasesAreCompletedByRevenueCat();
await Purchases.configure(configuration);
await Purchases.setEmail(email);
configured = true;

Thanks for your help!

@joan-cardona bumping this. Is that use of setEmail appropriate? 

Hi ​@philip-johnson-4e5f09,

Yeah that is the correct way to do it.

Let me know if you have questions!