Hello RevCat team :)
I have seen a couple of posts related to this issue on this forum but just wanted further clarification on the commitment to an action. If I am misinformed and there is a service for obtaining the desired data then feel free to inform me and close the article.
The question is when calling the /v2/projects/{project_id}/customers endpoint. The documentation states the return responses provides: active_entitlements, experiment, attributes objects, of which are not actually returned.
Two Workarounds:
- Obtaining a list of users and then polling their attributes one by one via the endpoint: /v2/projects/{project_id}/customers/{customer_id}/attributes.
- The issue is that we have hundreds of thousands of users daily and we would need to call this endpoint for every user.
- Another work around is to export the list of customers from Customers List table.
- The issue with that is it is manual and the exports tend to be very large, containing all user information.
Viable solutions would be:
- Adding the ability to retrieve the user’s attributes within the list of customers from /v2/projects/{project_id}/customers.
- Update the documentation to not mislead users
- Add a daily export of users (similar to daily export of transactions) containing the active users from that day.
I understand the API is still under development and that these implementations take careful consideration, but I would just really like to express the need for a viable workflow around obtaining user data on a daily basis.
Thanks for the help!