This is a technical question for the revenue cat suppourt team.
Please have a look into my account.
I configured the webhook in my dashboard and verified that the test webhook is working which it does.
Beyond that no, webhook events are sent to my server at all. I configured the sandbox testing in google which works well. The events are properly shown in the customer profile. But the webhooks are just not triggered.
Here an example for an event that never triggered a webhook:
"app_id": "appbf2ba432f2",
"app_user_id": "e54178d1-0ba0-4f52-b768-8b16da7ec516",
"country_code": "DE",
"currency": "EUR",
"entitlement_ids": null,
"environment": "SANDBOX",
"event_timestamp_ms": 1660003974081,
"expiration_at_ms": 1660004387520,
"is_family_share": false,
"is_trial_conversion": false,
"offer_code": null,
"price": 8.130577688229488,
"price_in_purchased_currency": 7.99,
"product_id": "pro_monthly",
"purchased_at_ms": 1660004087520,
"store": "PLAY_STORE",
"takehome_percentage": 0.85,
"transaction_id": "GPA.3347-8593-7235-97392..0"