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This is a technical question for the revenue cat suppourt team.
Please have a look into my account. 

I configured the webhook in my dashboard and verified that the test webhook is working which it does.

Beyond that no, webhook events are sent to my server at all. I configured the sandbox testing in google which works well. The events are properly shown in the customer profile. But the webhooks are just not triggered.

Here an example for an event that never triggered a webhook:


"app_id": "appbf2ba432f2",
"app_user_id": "e54178d1-0ba0-4f52-b768-8b16da7ec516",
"country_code": "DE",
"currency": "EUR",
"entitlement_ids": null,
"environment": "SANDBOX",
"event_timestamp_ms": 1660003974081,
"expiration_at_ms": 1660004387520,
"is_family_share": false,
"is_trial_conversion": false,
"offer_code": null,
"price": 8.130577688229488,
"price_in_purchased_currency": 7.99,
"product_id": "pro_monthly",
"purchased_at_ms": 1660004087520,
"store": "PLAY_STORE",
"takehome_percentage": 0.85,
"transaction_id": "GPA.3347-8593-7235-97392..0"


Hi @Tony Cosentini 

 I’m using my client account, ( Join as developer ). I also faced same test webhook work fine.

Beyond that no, webhook events are sent to my server at all. I configured the sandbox testing in google which works well.






Could you please look in this ASAP

I am seeing a similar problem, I have setup webhooks for my project and I have gone to trigger an event by manually granting a product to a user. 

The event shows no integrations triggering.


There are no purchases for this project so there are no events, so no webhooks will be sent. You should receive the test webhook though if you try that.

Hi Tony, I am working with @ijaz-0ad9f8 this is the config screen. We believe we set the webhooks correctly and tested. What can be the reason?

@ijaz-0ad9f8 I don’t see any events for that project. Are you sure the webhooks are set for a project with live traffic that is generating events?

@Tony Cosentini Thanks your response. 
Yeah I’m using my client account, ( Join as developer ). 
Here is the screenshot of webhooks
Webhooks URL 


let us know if need more information. 

Thank you

@ijaz-0ad9f8 Do you currently have a webhook URL set for your project? I don’t see any on your account.

@Tony Cosentini , Hope you’re doing great. 

we have been facing similar issue webhooks not triggered when events happening. 
May I know we can debug ? let us know if need more information. 

Thank you.


I work on the RevenueCat backend.

We had a regression with webhooks recently that resulted in events not being sent to newly configured webhooks.

The issue has been fixed, so you’ll start seeing webhooks for new events. For missing events, I’m working on a backfill that will replay these.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused here! Integration reliability is very important and we have lots of monitoring around making sure events are flowing, but we had a bit of a blind spot on making sure newly configured integrations work correctly - that has been fixed.

