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I have followed the guide for setting up the Stripe integration webhook and the webhook<my_revcat_app_id> does receive 200’s. However, no handling of the events are taking place on the revenue cat side for the customers involved in the webhook events. I suspect this may be due to revenuecat not being able to identify from the webhook payload which customer the event pertains to. What additionally needs to be done for this webhook to handle customer subscription updates from the stripe event? Is there a way to see why these events are not being handled?
Thank you



Upvote, Im having this problem too!

Hi @charissa-4ee4b6 and @jose-bfd3ee!

Can you confirm that you’re sending your Stripe subscription to RevenueCat through the POST /receipts endpoint? You’ll send this request with all the pertinent data, including app user id:

Stripe webhooks only work if the receipt already exists in RevenueCat when the event you’re listening for is dispatched, so I’d recommend making sure that you have a flow that includes sending those purchase tokens in after the purchase is completed. 
