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RENEWAL event has wrong purchased_at_ms time

  • 1 March 2022
  • 1 reply


I’ve encountered really strange issue. As I was analysing data received from RevenueCat webhooks, I saw that time of `purchased_at_ms` was moved by 8 hours comparing to what it should actually be. I’m still analysing the data but for now I see a clear dependency between events and the issue.

When we received the BILLING_ISSUE event and then the CANCELLATION event, the RENEWAL event that came after that had a proper time (the purchased_at time was a few seconds or a few minutes before we received the event). When we don’t receive any of these events, the purchase_at_ms time is 8 hours ahead of time we received the RENEWAL event. Also, when I purchased from sandbox account, I received a proper purchased_at_ms time...

The data I’ve analysed so far contain only users that use iOS.

Have you seen similar issue?
I’ve checked a lot of users’ data and I don’t see any other dependencies...

Hey @bartlomiej_swierdd!

The RENEWAL events will get sent as soon as RevenueCat detects Apple has charged the customer and added a new transaction to their receipt. Apple will attempt to start charging customers ~24hrs before the renewal date, so it’s possible and expected you could receive a RENEWAL webhook ~24hrs before the renewal date. The renewal date is not impacted by when Apple charges the customer, so you get a future timestamp.
