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Is IDFA really required for Revenuecat to communicate with Facebook, if so is there a way to not collect IDFA but still send the events to Facebook?

I’ve seen several ¡posts on the forum about the Facebook Ads integration related to IDFA. Some say it’s required to send the event, and some say the event will be sent but without IDFA.
Here are some of the posts: 

  • IDFA required: 9 months ago
  • Might not be required: 6 months ago
  • IDFA not required: 3 years ago

My question is, is that required now? It says it’s required in the docs, but on the forums, it’s not very clear, and since it has changed over time things are unclear.

We don’t request the ATT permission. But we were asking before and the Facebook events were being sent back then. Now, it’s not it’s not being sent at all without IDFA, even if the user has the FB anon ID.


If IDFA is required, I don’t think this feature is very useful since many of the iOS users disable the ATT in the system settings. This logic is impacting the learning phase of the ad on Facebook


Hi, The IDFA is still required. Our documentation will always be the best resource in order to verify what is required. I will raise the idea of removing the requirement internally again. 

@wes_clark Thank you for the clarification
