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Cancellation Webhook too ealry?

  • 16 September 2022
  • 2 replies

So I configured Webhooks and used the recommended approach of calling the RevenueCat API to handle logic.

This works for all events tested so far. Except for the Cancellation event (I canceled Platinum):

As shown in the image. The function is called at 11:38:35 with the cancellation event and after calling the RevenueCat API to check the expiration date, the platinum membership is not yet expired and thus my logic to remove the enitlement is not triggering as I am checking if the expiration date is in the past.

Did I oversee something here?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hey @Thomas Anderl , the CANCELLATION event is sent as soon as the auto-renewal is turned off. You should not use the CANCELLATION event to remove access. The event you are looking for is the EXPIRATION event, which gets fired when the subscription actually expires.

Badge +5

Hey @Thomas Anderl , the CANCELLATION event is sent as soon as the auto-renewal is turned off. You should not use the CANCELLATION event to remove access. The event you are looking for is the EXPIRATION event, which gets fired when the subscription actually expires.

Thank you very much. Makes total sense. I am new to RevenueCat and InAppPurchases.

I tried again and with some patience I found the trigger that I probably didnt get before, as I kept testing and resubscribing.

