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I have setup offerings and fetching them in my react-native app using getOfferings function.
I do get all the offerings but all the offering only has the backwards compatible product in their product key.

identifier: "$rc_monthly",
offeringIdentifier: "premium",
packageType: "MONTHLY",
product: {
currencyCode: "BDT",
description: "...",
discounts: null,
identifier: "premium",
introPrice: null,
price: 23000,
priceString: "BDT 23,000.00",
productCategory: "SUBSCRIPTION",
subscriptionPeriod: "P1Y",
title: "Premium (Dating Vill)",
identifier: "$rc_six_month",
offeringIdentifier: "premium",
packageType: "SIX_MONTH",
product: {
currencyCode: "BDT",
description: "...",
discounts: null,
identifier: "premium",
introPrice: null,
price: 23000,
priceString: "BDT 23,000.00",
productCategory: "SUBSCRIPTION",
subscriptionPeriod: "P1Y",
title: "Premium (Dating Vill)",

Both time returning the same product
How can I solve it?



The current version of our React Native SDK is not fully compatible with Google Play Billing Client 5 so you will only be able to use backwards compatible products in the meantime. We’re working on updating all of our SDKs - please subscribe to our GitHub repo to know as soon as the React Native update is released: 

Hi, thanks for you reply. But is there a get around to this problem? I tried to remove the backwards compatible product in the offerings page but its not working without it?

The issue is that our React Native SDK uses Billing Client 4, which works only with the backwards compatible products. One workaround is to make separate products in Google Play, each with only one base plan, so that they are all backwards compatible. Hopefully the wait for our React Native SDK update shouldn’t be too long as we are actively working on updating all of our SDKs.
