I'm currently using the revenucat webhook to manage the subscriptions (iOS works just fine) and while testing the Android purchase flow, I've been struggling with the following issues:
- The trial webhook is not being received as the documentation says, it's just coming as a normal initial purchase, it does not have the property "period_type": "TRIAL" but has the "period_type": "NORMAL" instead.
This is making really hard to identify when a user is trialing or already has trialed.
I created the offer just as the documentation explains:
- The other problem I've been facing is that a user is not doing an upgrade but another new subscription purchase is happening instead, why is this happening? example situation:
- Starts with a premium trial
- Decides to downgrade to a basic plan
- Subscription should change to basic (even that the change is not being applied immediately, the plan should be changed (probably in the end of the trial with a renewal) and at least one PRODUCT_CHANGE event should be triggered. Why is this not happening?
I'm already passing the oldSKU as a second param to the purchasePackage method.
const currentSubscription = await ApplePurchaseApi.getSubscriptionDetails()
const oldProductId = currentSubscription.activeSubscriptionsr0]
// console.log(oldProductId)
// console.log(currentSubscription)
Purchases.purchasePackage(revenuePackage, {oldSKU: oldProductId})
Anyone to help?
Kind regards,