I’m looking for some guidance on handling a case where a user can’t restore purchases on an Apple TV with multiple users. The setup is:
- The user who purchased my annual subscription (let’s call them User A) can access all premium features throughout the app. They are not the default user on the Apple TV, but I’m not sure if that matters.
- The default user on the Apple TV (User B) is using my app without a subscription and is trying to restore purchases to unlock premium features. When they do that, they get a MissingReceiptFileError.
- My Apple TV app is configured to “Run as Current User”, so it manages separate data for each user on the device (I’m not sure if that’s important to RevenueCat or not).
The user then tried to delete the app and reinstall it, this time using the default Apple TV user (User B). This is what happened:
- They get the “A family member has already bought this item” message when downloading the app, and confirm the download
- They open the app and try to subscribe to the annual subscription
- They confirm the annual subscription on iPhone and get the “A family member has already purchased this subscription” message
- They then select “Please Try Again” from above message prompt and nothing happens
- They then try to restore the purchase and get a StoreProblemError
Is this scenario of multiple Apple TV users trying to share the same annual subscription (which has Family Sharing enabled) supported out of the box? Or do I need to configure something different in my RevenueCat implementation to support that?