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I followed step on docs however, I can not get offering and error says: 

There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details. There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used).

More information:

I saw there are many other developers have same issue but no solution. This was the my first time to use revenue cat but I think I will implement my own way because of this issue. 



Hey @visionappsmobile sorry you’re having issues here. That error is due to a misconfiguration with Apple so there wouldn’t be anything to change with your code or RevenueCat setup as long as you’ve added your product ID to an Offering - it happens to developers whether they’re using RevenueCat or not. We’ve tried to outline the reasons we know this error occurs in the doc linked in the error message, but you can also try searching our forums for the ‘Empty Products’ tag or the Apple forums to see how other devs have fixed this:

I recently ran into this issue myself and it was because I forgot to upload a product screenshot in App Store Connect so don’t forget that step :) 

Is there any solution to this problem. I’m still facing it on IOS???


I have the same problem!


Hi Ryan, I don’t think the problem is because of configuration with Apple,

because I AM able to fetch the products when I try to fetch a specific product via id, that is in the offering.  The problem only comes when I try to get the offering itself.  

For example, with React-Native sdk on iOS device, 

```const products = await Purchases.getProducts(o



works fine.  And those are in the offering.  

`const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings()`
gives me this Configuration Error.


Getting this message at least 100 times per day from real users: `Failed to fetch RevenueCat Offerings`


Total 17600 records in database… No sale goes through since a few weeks back… :/

Any updates on this? 

```const products = await Purchases.getProducts((





this works, but `const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings()` does not


I’m also able to fetch products via getProducts, but not offerings via getOfferings.

I reviewed all of the stuff listed in this doc

As you can see with the attached images everything in Apple is setup as instructed.

I am also having issues with the api returning empty offerings:

[Purchases] - ERROR: 🍎‼️ Error fetching offerings - The operation couldn’t be completed. (RevenueCat.OfferingsManager.Error error 1.)

There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used). 

More information:

pPurchases] - ERROR: 😿‼️ There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details. There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used). 

More information:

If you find a solution, please let me know how you solve it. Thank you!

Ended up using Adapty because I didn’t run into this issue with them. If there is an easy fix we’ll switch back to RC.

Any updates on this? 

```const products = await Purchases.getProducts((





this works, but `const offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings()` does not


Have the exact same problem

This is not an iOS config error, this is a problem with Revenuecat, don’t let them fob you off. 4 weeks waiting for a response on GitHub and now left at the last minute to swap this out for another provider.

I’ve got multiple users reporting that offerings are just not loaded - randomly.

Report for reference:

Ended up using Adapty because I didn’t run into this issue with them. If there is an easy fix we’ll switch back to RC.

Exactly what I am doing now but, don’t expect this issue to be fixed - you have been silently affected by it for a long time.

I almost guarantee that you see an revenue increase and better statistics. 100%. 

I have been dealing with the same issue for almost two weeks now. I have reset everything and retried multiple times and there is not a single thing that I can tell I did incorrectly. Therefore, I can’t see how this is related to my configuration on Appstore Connect. Has anyone here had this issue resolved?

For anybody reading this, it turned out that the reason my products were not being fetched was because there was an issue with my paid applications agreement. If your agreement has expired or has not been signed, the api can’t fetch any of your products. 

We had no problems in Testflight and Sandbox or Google Play, and we have never encountered such a problem before. We suddenly encountered it and our customers could not buy it. Since there is no solution to this issue in the sources, we are stopping using RevenueCat.



I found the solution at the end of three days.


Every subscription was only active for Germany, and we kept getting this error when a device registered in the UK downloaded it from the app store.


If you can't solve it despite all instructions, make sure to check this situation as well.

make sure all countries are available.


I found the solution at the end of three days.


Every subscription was only active for Germany, and we kept getting this error when a device registered in the UK downloaded it from the app store.


If you can't solve it despite all instructions, make sure to check this situation as well.

make sure all countries are available.


Unfortunately this is not the solution for us. Does anyone from the revenuecat team actually know whats going on?


If you want, let's examine the problem together, we can talk on discord.

What worked for me was to create multiple offerings and populate them with all details (products, paywalls, etc). Then I removed a few. After this, the fetchOfferings worked.

It seems like some glitch on RevenueCat side, some hang-up… Creating and deleting several offerings will somehow make fetchOfferings to get data.


Seems like a caching issue on RC side

After wrestling with this issue for a few days, I finally found the reason for my case.

I did go through this guide:, and everything checked for me. At least, that’s what I thought. But no, I was so wrong. I had a separate bundle id for debug version. In hindsight, it’s very obvious. But as I was so deep into it, I forgot about it. So this is just a reminder to double check your bundle id for debug mode.

If you are interested in how I solved this issue, I went with the route of creating a separate app in App Store Connect for debug bundle id. From there, I set up all in-app purchases and subscriptions following the real app version. My reasoning of going this route is that it’s easier for me to test in debug mode with sandbox account and without having to switch bundle id back and forth.

And if you read this far, one more reminder to add capability In-App Purchase in Xcode’s Signing  & Capabilities. I did forget about that too.

I was experiencing this issue too, and have resolved it now.

I can’t be sure if it was one change, or all of them, but hopefully it helps someone out there.


Firstly, I already had a subscription in the ‘Ready for review’ state, and was still seeing issues.

My boss had signed the Apple agreements, but not yet setup a bank account, and tax info.

Once that was signed, I was still seeing the error. I left it for a couple of hours, deleted everything from Revenue Cat, and recreated products, entitlements, offerings, and a paywall.


I tried to present the paywall again, but it still didn’t work. At this point, I called the getProducts api to see what would come back, and got the product! I then called the getOfferings api and got an offering! I then tried to present the paywall one last time, and would you guess it - it works.


Others have suggested caching issues on Revenue Cats side, and I tend to agree after my experience. 


I can’t be sure these steps will work, but hopefully it is of some use.

Been banging my head against the wall for several days, but I got it working. Some important things to note:
Accepting the paid apps agreement also includes adding the tax and bank info

After you do this, it will take several hours before the purchases become available

Things I’ve also tried that might have contributed to the success:

  • Import products from ASC as opposed to manually entering them
  • add / remove several offers in RC (mentioned above)
  • test app through TestFlight

I had this same issue. My fix was making sure all the required fields in the Business section in App Store Connected were filled out. I also made sure that I added a Bank Account. I left it for a couple hours then it worked.

Just FYI, had the same issue even after fixing the paid apps agreement, and all the steps highligted in the RevenueCat thread here:


What worked was just waiting for 12 hours, and saw the new products come through from Apple in the morning - no code or configuration changes on my end. Hope that helps someone!
