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The receipt is not valid.

  • 8 February 2023
  • 13 replies

Just a day ago I was able to make a test purchase on my actual iphone with no problem, but suddenly I get this error and the purchase fails.
When I try to purchase again after the failed attempt, I get a dialog that says "You are currently subscribed to this subscription.
What could be the cause?

I have not changed the shared secret or the bundle Id.
Thanks in advance.



p        ]  Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ There are no requests currently running, starting request POST receipts
i        ] Purchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request started: POST /v1/receipts
/ +856 ms] sPurchases] - ERROR: 😿‼️ The receipt is not valid.
c        ] tPurchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ API request failed: POST /v1/receipts: The receipt is not valid.
:        ] pPurchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ PostReceiptDataOperation: Finished
       ] tPurchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Serial request done: POST receipts, 0 requests left in the queue
P        ] tPurchases] - ERROR: 😿‼️ The receipt is not valid.
r+1072 ms] EPurchases] - ERROR: 💰 Product purchase for 'MY_PRODUCT_NAME' failed with error: Error Domain=RevenueCat.ErrorCode Code=8 "The receipt is not valid." UserInfo={source_file=RevenueCat/HTTPClient.swift:379, readable_error_code=INVALID_RECEIPT, NSUnderlyingError=0x2838fa910 {Error Domain=RevenueCat.BackendErrorCode Code=7103 "The receipt is not valid." UserInfo={rc_backend_error_code=7103, NSLocalizedDescription=The receipt is not valid.}}, NSLocalizedDescription=The receipt is not valid., source_function=convertUnsuccessfulResponseToError(), rc_backend_error_code=7103, rc_response_status_code=400}
  +3 ms] flutter: purchase repo makePurchase error PlatformException(8, The receipt is not valid., {readable_error_code: INVALID_RECEIPT, message: The receipt is not valid., code: 8, userCancelled: false, underlyingErrorMessage: The receipt is not valid., readableErrorCode: INVALID_RECEIPT}, null)

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13 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

This is an Apple issue and we've filed a radar with them to get it fixed. Looks like only sandbox is affected.



Userlevel 2
Badge +4

I’ve been hitting this all day.  It only started today after I tested on my iPad instead of how I usually test on my iPhone.  I thought that screwed things up but I’m glad Yousef sent me an email to clear things up so I didn’t waste any more time trying to debug. Thanks Yousef!

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

This page for Apple server status shows an outage for App Store receipt verification since 8:50am. 

Badge +3

I also got the same error our product is live apple needs to look into it 


Thanks @Yosef For letting us know hope it should be fixed soon.

Badge +2

I also got the same error, thank God some one picked it up😅 I was stressing wondering if it was my code.

Badge +1

Same for me, didn’t change a thing and it stop working. Even ChatGPT couldn’t help, I thought I was screwed 😅

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

when they will fix it  ? it been along time



Hooray, I've already started changing the keys. Thanks for the answer.


Hi, I have the same issue. I hope only sandbox doesn't work .When do you think this problem will be fixed? 

Badge +3

Same problem with Sandbox testing. 

“The receipt is not valid.”

Please update us when this issue is fixed.

Thank you.

Badge +3

Same problem with Sandbox testing. 

“The receipt is not valid.”

Please update us when this issue is fixed.

Thank you.

I also can not use “Grant an entitlement” feature in the RevenueCat customer profile when “Sandbox data” selected. It just doesn’t work.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

I was just able to make a sandbox purchase from my app for the first time since Monday night.  The server status shows the outage as being resolved.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hey @Chris-29, glad to hear it! I was also able to make a test purchase, seems things are functional again 🎉

Other reporting it as well here too, so I’ll close this thread to keep things in the same spot: