offering] DEBUG: ℹ️ Skipping products request for these products because they were already cached: ["pinqin_10_skill_coins"]
[purchases] INFO: 💰 Purchasing Product 'pinqin_10_skill_coins'
[error] ERROR: 😿‼️ The operation is already in progress for this product.
[purchases] ERROR: 💰 Product purchase for 'pinqin_10_skill_coins' failed with error: Error Domain=RevenueCat.ErrorCode Code=15 "The operation is already in progress for this product." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The operation is already in progress for this product., readable_error_code=OPERATION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS_FOR_PRODUCT_ERROR, source_function=addPurchaseCompletedCallback(productIdentifier:completion:), source_file=RevenueCat/PurchasesOrchestrator.swift:986}
along with this whenever I am restarting the project , it works fine without this error.