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Testing subscriptions on the iOS StoreKit simulator testing shows irregularities.

  • 14 October 2023
  • 1 reply

When testing subscriptions using the iOS StoreKit simulator, the purchase callback is only triggered when the purchase fails. It does not trigger a callback upon a successful purchase.

I had set storeKit configuration and uploaded cer, when I finished a testing purchase, after get success feedback from simulator, the callback of Purchase.purchase(package) { .. } had not showed anything, but if failed callback was working.

macOS: Ventura 13.6
Xcode version: 14.3.1 (14E300c)
Simulator: iPhone 14 Pro - iOS 16.4
RevenueCat: 4.23.1

Step 1.Success to purchase/


Receive Finish on the Xcode console

The Callback of Purchase.shared.purchase(_ package,:) was not working.


1 reply


I find the problem.
It’s resolved.
