
Subscription Always Returns Inactive in Sandbox After Successful Purchase

  • 6 January 2022
  • 4 replies

Badge +2

After successfully activating a subscription in the sandbox, subsequent calls don’t appear to contain updated subscription info (the user’s subscription is still inactive)

Is this the expected behavior in the sandbox environment?

4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Nope, Sandbox purchases will unlock the entitlement and show an active subscription. I’d start by checking out the debug logs there could be some errors going on that are being missed.


After successfully activating a subscription in the sandbox, subsequent calls don’t appear to contain updated subscription info (the user’s subscription is still inactive)” - Me too, although the object (from Purchases.getPurchaserInfo() ) show the entitlement as active after succeed subscription. 


In Customer Profile i get “No active subscriptions”.


Any suggestions?



Badge +2

same issue here on android, I need to restore the purchase to get subscription active again
