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Until few hours ago, everything was running smoothly. This afternoon I received a Flutter package update. After updating, I completed my project. After admob and iap test When I checked Revenuecat, I saw an error with the "Store Status Incompatible product." I couldn't understand if it's my fault or not. Can you please help me?" this problem occures with google play

Hi there! We’ve been discussing this in a support ticket but I wanted to answer here for visibility for any other developers who may be looking for help with a similar issue.

This may have something to do with our recent migration of existing products in current apps in order to support the new Google Play features:

Can you try any of the following steps?

  • Delete the product in RevenueCat side and re-create or import it.
  • Update your Play Store service credentials in the app's settings in RevenueCat. This will re-trigger the migration. Please allow a few minutes for the migration to complete, and then check the product status again.
  • Create a new product with a new identifier.


I’ve hit the same issue. I’ve just added 2 new subscription products to my app on Google Play and I’ve got the incompatibility message.

For bulletpoint 2, does one have to create a new service account from scratch in order to trigger the reimport or is there a simpler process based on the existing service account and credentials?

I would rather not have to go through this horrendous process every time I add a new product on google Play.

Many thanks.

PS - I created a new Service Account Credentials JSON and dropped the file into RC’s apps settings, disconnected from Google and reconnected.

The “Store Status” for my 2 new products is still marked as ‘Incompatible Product’.

The do however appear to come through in my offerings in the app and I am able to make those purchases, the only issue being is that the ‘details’ field appears to be empty and I’ve definitely filled that in in Google Play.

Go figure.

the only issue being is that the ‘details’ field appears to be empty and I’ve definitely filled that in in Google Play.

This seems to have fixed itself. I guess the updates take a while to come through?
The products are still flagged as ‘incompatible’ but they do appear to work in the app so I’ll just soldier on like nothing happened.

@Rob Brooks are you still seeing your products as incompatible?

No. All fine now. Things just seemed to sort themselves out, thank you.

How you did it ? 

  • Delete the product in RevenueCat side and re-create or import it. → I can´t because it says that the product has transactions
  • Update your Play Store service credentials in the app's settings in RevenueCat. This will re-trigger the migration. Please allow a few minutes for the migration to complete, and then check the product status again. I did it but It doesn´t work
  • Create a new product with a new identifier. → I create a new product with a new subscription from play console but I can´t see this subcriptions in my app because I have the other products with incompatible version :/

@Marco what problem are you having?

My problem is that I have my products incompatible in android, so I was trying to delete them and later import them again, but I can´t, I will let you images. 

And I can´t delete the product 

And all my android products are incompatible so I can´t see them in my mobile application 



ok, let me check and I’ll get back to you

@Marco everything should be fine now

Thank you so much @marcosC

What was the problem? 

Incompatible products are those Google products in RC that we don’t have a base plan (and cannot be used in Android v6 or later). They were probably created before we released support for billing client 5 and when trying to associate the corresponding base plan to the product, we couldn’t.

As everything was correctly configured, I automatically updated them with the correct base plan (the backwards compatible one in google’s dashboard)

@MarcosC I also have problem with my renuecat + android app :/

Everything works fine, but now I don’t understand why “Store Status Incompatible product with flutter / google play”. On admin panel in revenue cat shows everything fine
