I’m having trouble wrapping my head around what’s going on, but I’ll lay out expected results, and actual results below. Two Scenarios, two different issues.
Scenario 1:
- Application is installed
- Anonymous user makes a purchase
- User logs into account
- RevenueCat.Login()
Expected Results:
The newly created user now has the membership entitlements.
Actual Results:
The newly created user does not have any entitlements until I restore purchases or attempt to purchase the subscription again.
Important Notes:
I tried out Revenue Cat about 5 months ago then came back to it now, so is it because maybe the user already existed from my old attempts causing the identities not to be merged?
Scenario 2
- User A purchases Subscription
- Relaunch App
- User A RevCat Login
- User A RevCat Logout
- User B RevCat Login
Expected Results:
Only User A has membership entitlements
Actual Results:
Whichever user logs in has membership entitlements