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From what I can tell, (here and here), `purchaseProduct` should execute a callback upon completion, but I can’t seem to get it to fire. The transaction goes through and the purchase is made with no issues/errors, but the callback i would expect - those console logs (in the example below) - never go through.

I saw this post from a month ago where it was mentioned that there’s an issue with the purchaseProduct method, are these related?



Purchases.purchaseProduct(plan.identifier, ({ productIdentifier, customerInfo }) => {
console.log("productIdentifier:", productIdentifier); // does not call
console.log("customerInfo:", customerInfo); // does not call
}, ({ error, userCancelled }) => {
console.log("error:", error); // does not call
console.log("userCancelled:", userCancelled) // does not call
}, null);
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