I have tested non-subscription purchases in the sandbox, but I am having difficulty deleting user data. Is this the same as when running the app in production version? Also, I'm concerned about the possibility of users requesting a refund and the app not returning to its regular version. I hope my questions can be answered quickly since I'm new to using this service
One-time purchase Google Refund
It can be difficult to delete non-subscription purchases because they don’t expire. The best option for testing not having a non-subscription purchase is to create a new account.
Refunds can be tricky, especially with Google Play purchases. We explain how RevenueCat handles refunds here: https://www.revenuecat.com/docs/refunds
Thank you for the helpful and enlightening explanation. I have one more question, is it possible to delete non-subscribed user data in the production version? If so, it would greatly help me solve the issue I am facing.
Does this help? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27697122/how-to-remove-test-iap-purchase-from-android-google-play I’m not sure if you can delete purchases in production, this might be a limitation of Google Play. You might want to reach out to Google Play Developer support on this point.
Certainly, it's very helpful. I have tried the test mode. Refunding through Google Play has been successful for me, even though there was an error reading in the Revenuecat backend, but the refund was still successful. I encountered another issue, after the refund, the backend couldn't clear its cache except by clearing the app data. This is different from the subscription purchase mode, which doesn't have any problems. Have you ever used the one-time purchase mode in production? If so, is there a problem like the sandbox version?
But I have found a solution. The user must always log in and if the server reads the error log: UnknownBackendError, then the logout function must be called. This successfully clears the cache. If the backend.clearCaches() function is published, it will greatly help in solving this problem, or it can be made like the subscription purchase mode, where when the active period expires, the server automatically clears the cache.
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