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I am implementing Paywalls on kotlin for my Android app, however whenever the user swipes back or presses the back button, the paywall simply goes away and a white screen shows up. For context, I am implementing a hard paywall (without a back button, or option to say no). I wonder how I can override this behavior. I am using version 7.4.0.

Hi @healthappy-ae08ec, thanks for reaching out!

If you’re using paywalls through compose, you could handle displaying the paywall yourself by adding the appropriate logic in the listeners, like:

var shouldShowPaywall by remember {
if (shouldShowPaywall) {
PaywallOptions.Builder({ /* Leave empty */ })
.setListener(object : PaywallListener {
override fun onPurchaseCompleted(
customerInfo: CustomerInfo,
storeTransaction: StoreTransaction
) {
shouldShowPaywall = false

override fun onRestoreCompleted(customerInfo: CustomerInfo) {
shouldShowPaywall = false

If you’re using the `PaywallActivityLauncher` to display the paywall as an activity, we currently don’t support disabling the back button, but we’re considering adding that as a feature request.

