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Offerings information not being retrieved in TestFlight app, works in simulator?

  • 17 October 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello! We just integrated RevenueCat after taking the project over from some overseas developers and I am having a bit of trouble getting the offerings to load on our billing page to display the pricing and allow a subscription to go through.


  getOfferingsFromRevCat() async {
try {
Offerings offerings = await Purchases.getOfferings();
if (offerings.current != null && offerings.current?.monthly != null) {
setState(() {
package = offerings.current!.monthly!;
offerPrice =
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
if (kDebugMode) {


I run this when my screen is loaded and use $offerPrice to display the monthly pricing dynamically, in order to be able to adjust pricing down the line without pushing any new updates to the app. I’ve read through the different guides on sandbox / testflight things that have to be done (agreements, products in ready to submit status) - and all of those are set for us but for whatever reason the app in testflight still cannot pull offerings.

I am sure I’m missing something very simple, as I am new to flutter/mobile dev specifically, so any assistance in finding the missing link here would be appreciated.

Hello! Since it works in simulator, you may be using a StoreKit test config file in Xcode. Is that correct? You can check by checking the scheme:
