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Is offer_code field on webhooks present with every discounted renewal?

  • 4 December 2022
  • 1 reply

Let’s say we have a 3 month offer in the App Store for a monthly subscription.

From the documentation, it seems clear that the `offer_code` field will be present on the webhook that corresponds to the first purchase made where the offer code was redeemed (the first month in my example above).

What is not clear is whether the following two renewal webhooks will have `offer_code` populated as well, since they would be discounted due to the redemption of the offer code.

So to visualize it, I’m wondering if it would look like:

Month 1 (offer code redeemed) - `offer_code` is present
Month 2 (discounted renewal) - `offer_code` is present
Month 3 (discounted renewal) - `offer_code` is present
Month 4 (renewal at full price) - `offer_code` is not present


Month 1 (offer code redeemed) - `offer_code` is present
Month 2 (discounted renewal) - `offer_code` is not present
Month 3 (discounted renewal) - `offer_code` is not present
Month 4 (renewal at full price) - `offer_code` is not present

Can anyone tell me which would be expected? Thank you!

Also, +1 on the existing requests to add the promotional offer identifier to the webhooks as well. This would be a valuable information gap to close, and it’s there on the receipt. Would it be a simple lift to add that? Thank you!

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Apple sets the offer code on each transaction in the receipt that they think it applies to, and RevenueCat webhooks are generated based on info from the receipt, so webhooks will propagate that info.

Month 1 (offer code redeemed) - `offer_code` is present

Month 2 (discounted renewal) - `offer_code` is present

Month 3 (discounted renewal) - `offer_code` is present

Month 4 (renewal at full price) - `offer_code` is not present

If Apple sets the offer code property on Month 1, 2, and 3 transactions, then the offer code will included in each of those webhooks.

I’m forwarding your +1 to the team working in the area, thanks for the feedback!
