As discussed in the post linked below which seems to have comments closed, the migration guide points to the Firebase docs for tracking StoreKit 2 transactions in Firebase.
However, it’s not clear from the sample code provided by Google/Firebase how this would integrate with RevenueCat exactly.
Does it matter if `await transaction.finish()` is called after `Analytics.logTransaction(transaction)`?
Guidance appreciated. Thank you.
func purchaseSomeProduct(_ product: Product) {
// Purchase a Product. This is mostly standard boilerplate StoreKit 2
// code, except for the Analytics.logTransaction() call.
let result = try await product.purchase()
switch result {
case .success(let verification):
let transaction = try checkVerified(verification)
// Call this Firebase API to log the in-app purchase event.
// NOTE: How do we hook in to this specific point via RevenueCat?
await transaction.finish()