In the revenuecat documentation, the image of the example app has a string of text about a free trial. However, in the demo app, I don’t see anything that handles free trials. I do see some fields passed to me that I could use, but I have two questions.
1. Does revenuecat add text based on free trials automatically? Since I can’t find anything about them in the docs but the image shows it, I just want to confirm it isn’t happening by default.
- If I have to handle it manually, does anyone have a good example? I’m working in react native, so I’m thinking something like this but just want to verify the fields are what I think they are before I publish.
{intro_price ? <text>Includes {intro_price_period} {intro_price_period_unit} {intro_price > 0 ? intro_price_string : 'free'} trial. Cancel before {intro_price_period} and nothing will be billed.</text> : null}