
Google play product not showing in the offering list

  • 12 June 2022
  • 4 replies

Badge +1

I created a new in app product and add it to the offer list in reventcat, when trying to fetch the offerings list, I only can see the current offer:





Is there something I can do to see it through revneucat? I’m using 

com.revenuecat.purchases:purchases:5.0.0-rc3 latest sdk 

4 replies

Badge +1


I have same issue. did you find the cause in your case?

Badge +5

Have similar issue. I can see 2 products, but have 3 products in the Play Store.

Badge +5

In my case I noticed one of offerings didn’t have the product attached. Now it works fine!

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Is this solved @Alaa ?  if so, what was the problem? 
