Hi guys has anyone worked with revenue cat for subscriptions before ? I have a weird error saying 'Error configuring purchases:
[Error: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details. There's a problem with your configuration. None of the products registered in the RevenueCat dashboard could be fetched from App Store Connect (or the StoreKit Configuration file if one is being used). More information: https://rev.cat/why-are-offerings-empty]'
I am using this custom hook for it. Is there any obvious mistake? I am using the Identifiers in Apple App Store Connect ‘’
This is my setup in the revenue cat dashboard
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Hi @gero-82e1e3
Are you using sandbox or a storekit configuration file?
I would start with the following:
If you are using Sandbox, can you check the bundleId matches the bundle ID you have in Apple Store?
If you are in Sandbox, did you manually create the products in RevenueCat? You could try importing them directly to avoid any mismatch between the store and RevenueCat
@MarcosC thanks for replying. I do use Sandbox and believe that the bundle ID is correct. It’s the com.something.some right? Not the bundleID under general information right?
Yes I did manually create the products in RevenueCat but the identifier is the one which I provided in Apple Store Connect. How can I import them directly?
Maybe it’s not working because I did not set up Sandbox correctly. Do I have to use that account to log in ? Phone is already connected though.
The error that you get means that the products you configured vs the product that the device tries to get from apple, do not match. It could be either the device cannot load any product or they truly don’t match
To import, you can see a configure button (or import if properly configured) when you try to create a new apple store product
Let’s see if we can configure that first, so RC can load the products from Apple. If that works, then we focus on the device / app configuration
ok thanks I am reading into it and watch a tutorial on it now. I already connected but it’s still not connecting.
@MarcosC where can I find the Apple Server Notification Forwarding URL ?
Btw could it be possible that it does not work if the tax policy isn’t set properly?
> Where can I find the Apple Server Notification Forwarding URL ?
You don’t need to set that up. We have it in case you want to get those notifications somewhere else too as Apple only allows one server notification URL
> Btw could it be possible that it does not work if the tax policy isn’t set properly?
mmm….. I have not idea
you need to create the keys here for app store connect API and upload them in RevenueCat
@MarcosC thanks for your reply. I think it was not working because of apple tax agreements where not set up correctly.
cool, so after completing the tax agreements it works?
cool, so after completing the tax agreements it works?