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Hi all

I am using revenue cat in my app, And I configure my products and I set up the localization for them,However when I get my product they return always in english local, How I can change the local I want.


I am using flutter SDK

Hey @besher!

The title and description of a product are localized from the underlying SKProduct. It’s important to note, the localized titles are localized based on the storefront of the user’s account/device.

When you are testing in sandbox, the region is chosen from the sandbox tester’s specified App Store region from App Store Connect:

App Store Connect ‘New Tester’ modal for choosing App Store Region



How can we  do the same on the playStore?

Thanks in advance.


Hey @Jerome!

I can’t actually find where Google documents how to test different regions, so I would recommend creating separate Google accounts that are in different regions. You can then sign into those accounts on your device to test separate regions.

Otherwise, you might want to reach out to Google Developer Support directly to see if they have a better recommendation on how to test product localization in sandbox mode.

Hi Cody,

Thanks for your feedback.
It seems that google determines the region of the account with the login IP address.
I read it somewhere.
So it's more complicated for the tests.
In addition to another account, it would be necessary to have a VPN connection to simulate a true location of the account in another region / country.
This is what I understood because the geolocation of the device does not change anything.
It needs to be confirmed.

Hey @Jerome!

I can’t actually find where Google documents how to test different regions, so I would recommend creating separate Google accounts that are in different regions. You can then sign into those accounts on your device to test separate regions.

Otherwise, you might want to reach out to Google Developer Support directly to see if they have a better recommendation on how to test product localization in sandbox mode.

I’ve been investigating this for a few hours today, as it seems when my app is reviewed in US, everything is ok in the pricing logic, but when the reviewer is in India, there’s some pricing issue that prevents the products displaying - so trying to change my store region over. But, having no luck. Even though I set up a payment / address in India, use a VPN to get through, it still returns UK prices (though I live in Thailand) (my RevenueCat user shows as Thailand though...)

No idea where it’s pulling UK from. However, when I change my play store account to the new test one, and sign in using it, when I go to buy, it says I already have participated in the trial (and knows it’s a test account) so I think there’s some caching going on in the play store of which account it’s trying to purchase from 

*UPDATE* - I went to Settings→App→ Google Play Store→ and deleted data and cache as people mention on the below forum. This then asked me to log back in when I went to it, chose the new account, and now my app is pulling from that account (and erroring because says ‘Billing is not available in this device.’  and ‘Google Play In-app Billing API version is less than 3’ - at least that’s something, possibly the reviewer has some setting similar, but is an edge case of no payment setup I now know to handle) - but it’s progress ;-)

There is this quora post that may help others:

If I have success in having RevCat return prices in Rupees, I’ll update...until then, yeah, guess I have to contact Google =/
