In my mobile application, users can create accounts.
When logging into an account, I call logIn() in the RevenueCat SDK to set a custom app_user_id.
When logging out, I call logOut().
Subscriptions are only available to authenticated users.
Users can create groups within the app.
When a user purchases a subscription, premium access is granted to all members of their group.
To handle this, I have a table in the database that stores data about the active entitlement:
• id (autoIncrement primary key)
• Purchase date
• Expiration date
• groupId – the ID of the group that received premium access
• ownerUuid – the ID of the user who made the purchase (I’m unsure whether to store app_user_id or original_app_user_id here).
The issue I’m facing:
1. A user creates a group.
2. He purchase a premium subscription, and a record is created in PremiumTable.
3. He log out, which resets the RevenueCat app_user_id.
4. He log in with a different account associated with a different group.
5. He press Restore Purchase. At this point, premium access should be granted to their new group and revoked from the old one.
However, when Restore Purchase is triggered, the subscription transfers to the new user with completely different IDs:
First login:
• app_user_id = abd95cab-0937-40e9-9afc-f989c6ac4d92 (after calling logIn())
• original_app_user_id = $RCAnonymousID:b3b542ff6dd74da29b60aaf708277658
After logging into a second account and calling Restore:
• app_user_id = 0ff61b7e-1e8c-4746-90c0-610656bff9db
• original_app_user_id = $RCAnonymousID:c7b8c272747241d8b630eab3a754fb7f
Since the subscription is transferred, I am unable to send a request from the client to the server to update/create a new record in PremiumTable because I cannot identify the previous record in the database to revoke premium access from the old group.
I know that using webhook transfer events is a possible solution, but I’m wondering if there is a way to handle this without using webhooks?