Our app is using Revenue Cat’s Cordova Android Plugin (latest version) and even though everything works fine when deploying on the development mobile devices and also the purchases succeed (and pretty much any SDK/API interaction), when trying to publish the bundle we are getting the deprecation error (with link to https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/deprecation-faq).
Now, the com.google.android.play.billingclient.version is missing indeed from the AndroidManifest.xml and if I tried adding it manually and specifying 5.0.0 (just trial and error) it failed (merge error - so it seems to be trying to merge something!) and I finally ended up adding this line:
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.play.billingclient.version" android:value="4.1.0" />
And it works! Google accepted our bundle, but I’d really like to get this fixed properly.
Any suggestions?