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So. My app is almost ready to be submitted. Everything is working as expected and I'm busy doing screenshots and stuff. 

But there is one question I can't find an answer to - 

how subscriptions are being tested when reviewed? From what I see testing from TestFlight is unreliable and is a weird mix of sandbox and prod - I never made it work (and documentation says it's completely fine as long as things work in sandbox, which they do perfectly).

Now, I use auth0's passwordless authentication with one-time passwords, so I can't "prepare" a specifc user with valid subscriptions upfront for the reviewers, they will be using their temporary emails.

Will they be able to test subscriptions? How that works? 
I also can just disable subscription checking via my backend, so it will work on reviewers side anyway, but wouldn't it be considered as a some sort of tampering with the reviewing process? 

Hi, this is something on Apple’s end so we don’t have too much insight into the process aside from the reviewers testing with the Apple sandbox environment. I would communicate with the reviewer on this and see how this will work. 

Thanks for the reply. In the end, approval just worked without a glitch, so whatever the way they're testing it - it works.