Here is our documentation on Restore Purchases:
Plus, a helpful article about when it's used and how it can be helpful:
The way that restore purchases works is that behind the scenes when the restore purchase method is called, the SDK is checking the receipt on the device and re-syncing it to RevenueCat's servers. The default restore behavior set to transfer, which means that if the app user id which is restoring is different than the app user id which was originally tied to the receipt, it will transfer the receipt to the new user id.
Is there any scenario missing here where I would need “Restore Purchases” ? Apple rejected by production app due this functionality being missing, but I dont see, why I would need this.
By not including a method to restore purchases, users could lose access to existing purchases to which they are entitled. This isn’t ideal, so it is strongly recommended that you include some way for users to trigger the restoreTransactions method, even if you require all customers to create accounts.
The way you have implemented the logging in shouldn’t normally have the need to call restore purchases. But one scenario could be if a user changes phone numbers and wants to access their purchases from their old number, in which case they would call restore purchases to sync the purchases on their Apple/Google account to their account with their new phone number.
Thank you for the information.
But even if the user changes phone number, the account would be transfered to the new number. With that transfer come the IAP.
I just added the button and am calling the corresponding function as it is a no-brainer anyways on my end.