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I finally got my app on a closed track into the Play Store. But when buying a subscription with it, it is not sandboxed but is a real payment from my credit card. The docs only say that it should “just work”.


So, ehhhhh, does anyone have an idea of why my app is not in sandbox mode?

So to provide more info, I am using Expo and did the build with eas build -p android.

...and yes, the user is listed as a “License Tester” for that app in Google Play.

Okay, it works now! No idea why, I didn’t change anything but maybe it just needed a few hours after setting the License Testers.

Hey There! 


Glad that this was solved, always let us know if anything else comes up! 


I have the same problem : application is in internal test on play store ; account is in licence testers (I have an alpha testers list, which I added in licence testers). When buying a subscription, it’s not sandboxed but I get a real payment confirmation from the bank. 

The app is build using expo (eas build -p android), and the paywall is called using RevenueCatUI.presentPaywall()

Any idea about the problem ? Thanks


ok after playing around with my alpha testers list, it works now. 
