I’m trying to keep a everyday history of the user, so I use webhook to determinate when is on trial, optout, billing issue, normal, renew, etc.
I’m seeing some events from the future, for example I received an event that is a renewal trial convertion today at 8 PM, when we receive the event we fetch RevenueCat API, and it indicates that the user purchase date is tomorrow at 4 AM.
This information is also like that in the webhook event itself:
"event_timestamp_ms": 1633207743275, → Saturday, 2 October 2021 20:49:03.275
"purchased_at_ms": 1633233485000, → Sunday, 3 October 2021 03:58:05
"is_trial_conversion": true,
"type": "RENEWAL"
The thing is now I’m setting on our internal db that the Saturday, 2 October the user change from trial to normal subscription with a purchase the date Sunday, 3 October.
Now I don’t know when the user actually paid or when is a normal subscription.
We could write that all was done the Sunday, 3 October, the thing is that at midnight I make a snapshot of the last state of the user that day, then I would be losing the information for Sunday, 2 October.
Why do we receive future transactions? is there a way we can avoid this and receive them when they actually happen? I can understand delay transactions, but this is not the case
I hope to explain myself.