I have a web application as main and a mobile application, Apple also forced us to give the option to charge for apple within the app, we are implementing.
But I'm in doubt about his signature at apple after his signature expires due to payment failure, Apple says that it goes into a Billing Retry mode and that it stays 60 days trying to charge…
Does this mode only enter when the grace period has been enabled or does it activate the same? My question is, there was no payment, a billing_issue event came, then an expiration event, and a cancellation event comes right after expiration, or does it only come cancellation after 60 days?
I'm confused as to how the apple subscription is after it expires due to lack of payment, if it is active, then I enable my client to contract outside (web) with our means of payment and Apple is still trying 60 days, there could be two methods charging together, ours and Apple's... Can I only enable customers to contract outside Apple after these 60 days? Don't have a webhook for that? Would it be last expiration date + 60 days?
Apple link talking about billing retry