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On latest Expo and react-native-purchases, as far as I can tell everything’s still active and I had a purchase back in February so this used to work. Works fine on iOS

const productIds = Object.values(Constants.expoConfig.extra.productstPlatform.OS]);

console.log('productIds', productIds); // Array of products output correctly

// No console.log() or console.error() gets fired
try {
const products = await Purchases.getProducts(productIds);
console.log('products', products); // Never outputs
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get products', error);


Hey @ian-ccb416 ,


Thanks for reporting it!

It looks like there's an active GitHub issue where we're working through this issue - it's best to keep information in one spot, so let's continue working through the issue there.

For anyone else, still no update on what’s going on with getProducts(), but getOfferings() does work. Seems like getProducts() is just buggy