I am using cordova-plugin-purchases in my App. I’ve noticed many “Had their subscription of vetcalculators_monthly_android:vetcalculators-monthly-android cancelled due to a billing error” comments in my sandbox testing recently. (Also in iOS). I’ve not changed anything in my code and wondering why this is happening.
Also, I am wondering if there is a way to access this particular revenuecat info from within the App using the SDK or API:
"app_id": "app2c0d07f6dd",
"app_user_id": "$RCAnonymousID:420b573c1e75455aae4bc433fea3979f",
"cancel_reason": "BILLING_ERROR",
"country_code": "US",
"currency": "USD",
"entitlement_ids": t
"environment": "SANDBOX",
"event_timestamp_ms": 1681342243670,
"expiration_at_ms": 1681342232285,
"is_family_share": false,
"offer_code": null,
"period_type": "NORMAL",
"price": 3.99,
"price_in_purchased_currency": 3.99,
"product_id": "vetcalculators_monthly_android:vetcalculators-monthly-android",
"product_price_in_purchased_currency": 3.99,
"purchased_at_ms": 1681341932285,
"store": "PLAY_STORE",
"takehome_percentage": 0.85,
"transaction_id": "GPA.3312-7901-2044-43947..5"
Specifically listening for “cancel_reason”: “BILLING_ERROR” so i could alert the user if this happens.