I am testing the purchases of subscriptions for both ios and android and receiving webhook notifications to my backend in order to update the subscription status of a user. Android works really well, every time i purchase a subscription, a renewal process happens or cancel/expiration, the events are received by revenuecat in real time and webhook requests are sent instantly. For IOS however for some reason it has a big lag. For example i renew a subscription directly from the app store, and revenuecat has not received the event not even 5 minutes later. Every time a renewal event occurs it’s delivery time is usually 3-5 minutes later then the purchase date in the request. Also the time window between renewal seem to not correspond with the time set in the appstore settings. For example if i set 5 minutes between renewals, sometimes is 5 minutes sometimes is 10 minutes between two renewals.
Has anyone encountered this problem in ios sanbox environemnt? Is it the same for production also?