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I published my flutter app in both iOS and Android, got the approval from Google Play in a day. Today I got the message from Apple saying I need to make some changes. I went tho the resolution centre and the message is 

“We found that while you have submitted in-app purchase products for your app, the in-app purchase functionality is not present in your binary.

Next Steps

If you would like to include in-app purchases in your app, you will need to upload a new binary that incorporates the in-app purchase API to enable users to make a purchase.

Once you revise and resubmit your binary, you will also need to resubmit your in-app purchases for review since they are in the Developer Action Required state. For each in-app purchase product submitted, please be sure to edit the detail information or cancel the request to change the detail information for the in-app purchases using App Store Connect.

Alternatively, if you do not want to include in-app purchase products in your app, it would be appropriate to remove any unused in-app purchase products from App Store Connect.”


PLEASE help with this.

Hey @Rajesh!

From their message it looks like you may need to add the in-app purchase capability in XCode? 


I did add the in-app purchase capability in XCode. i am able to test my in-app purchases in SANDBOX mode.

Weird! I’ve never seen a rejection reason like that, I’d try responding the reviewer to get more clarity on what they mean by “incorporates the in-app purchase API”.


I did some Googling and it does look like other devs have hit that rejection reason but seems like more of a generic response from Apple too. Here’s a Stackoverflow thread where the developer didn’t attach the in-app products to their app submission and hit that error:

I replied to them on resolution centre saying " please, first approve the in-app purchases to get them". They replied and said its fine and said they need some other changes in app description and binary for approval.
