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In-App Purchases Between Apps on the Same Platform

  • 18 August 2022
  • 2 replies

Is it possible to share in-app purchases between two different apps of the same platform? For example, I have an app that I want to phase out and rebuild a new one from the ground up, but I want my users purchases to transfer over without having to repurchase. I’ve added the two apps to a project and it seems like it can be done in entitlements, but haven’t figured out how to get it to work. The purchases just restore to their respective apps and won't share between.


If so how? Or is there any documentation I can be pointed towards.

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hey @pearson , it is possible if you have multiple apps in one project, but you will need to have some kind of account management / sign-in mechanism, and call the RevenueCat logIn() method. A user signed in to the same user ID across different apps will have access to the entitlements across apps. For more, see this page in our documentation:

Badge +2

Ok, thanks! I think I figured out a solution for syncing purchases by using Sign In with Apple and then saving the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential.user string as a RevenueCat login. Also having both apps under one RevenueCat Project sharing entitlements.
