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Unfortunately I tested my lifetime IAP with my sandbox user and now I can’t get rid of it.

When I get the customerInfo, it always becomes active, so I can’t test my app without active purchase.

I tried to delete my revenueCat customer from the sandbox, but nothing happened, and the customer is still there.


Is there a solution to disable/delete lifetime in-app-purchase?



Hey @peter-takacs-e22683,

As you said, the only way to delete a sandbox purchase is to delete the customer entirely. However, if the customers is being re-created in RevenueCat, that indicates to me that the underlying store account is being recognized again and restoring that customer. 

Are you able to test with an entirely new sandbox user?

Hey @kaitlin,

The problem is that on my new device I hadn’t realised that my sandbox user was my real apple ID user so I did the purchase with my apple account. Now I changed my sandbox user, but when I test with testflight it uses my real apple ID so the problem still present.
I tried to delete my customer from revenueCat, but when I made a testflight purchase it restored my customer again.
